Mohamed Rhouma
Dr. Mohamed Rhouma was invited as a speaker by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to give a presentation to CFIA veterinarians as part of two thematic days devoted to Public Health at the Heart of Current Events on November 19.
Fanny Renois
​Dr. Fanny Renois, actively participated in the collective expertise conducted by ANSES on the theme: Virus influenza en élevage de porc : risque de transmission interespèces, surveillance et prévention.
Mariela Segura et Marcelo Gottschalk
Drs. Mariela Segura and Marcelo Gottschalk, have recently been invited to present their work at conferences in Quebec and Ontario. The first conference, held on October 23 in Drummondville for the Association des Vétérinaires en Industrie Animale du Québec (AVIA), focused on the theme: “Use of autogenous vaccines to try to control Streptococcus suis infections: from strain selection to vaccine application”. The second conference, presented on November 1 in Niagara-on-the-Lake for the Ontario Association of Swine Veterinarians, focused on “Streptococcus suis and Vaccination”.
Mohamed Rhouma
Dr. Mohamed Rhouma was invited on October 11 to give a lecture on Zoom on the occasion of the 13th edition of the Journées Scientifiques Internationales de l’Association marocaine de pathologie aviaire (AMPA). His lecture was entitled
« État des lieux sur l'antibiorésistance, les alternatives aux antimicrobiens et les promoteurs de croissance en aviculture ».
Martine Boulianne
​Dr. Martine Boulianne was invited by Canadian Poultry Magazine to participate in a webinar entitled “Enriched Colony and Aviary Housing Insights” on October 21, where she presented the results of a multidisciplinary project, accompanied by her colleagues Caroline Duchaine and Stéphane Godbout, as well as their students.
Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk was a keynote speaker in the Porcine Health and Nutrition Masterclass organized by Innovad SA on October 1st in Ghent, Belgium. His presentation was entitled: ''One size does not fit all...and one prevention measure does not fit all Streptococcus suis problems''.
Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano
​Chloé Rosa-Teijeiro, veterinarian and resident in veterinary anatomical pathology, accompanied by her director and CRIPA expert, Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano, prepared and led a workshop on the theme: “My pig is sick!” at the Maison de la Famille des Maskoutains. The activity allowed the children to be introduced to new terminology, the recognition of the different parts of an organ and their functions, as well as the diseases that can affect them.
Marie-Lou Gaucher
​The Meat Safety Research Chair represented by Dr. Marie-Lou Gaucher visited the Maison de la Famille des Maskoutains to give a presentation entitled: "Des sushis à base de poisson cru, et pourquoi pas avec de la viande de poulet crue?" The 15 children at the day camp had the opportunity to learn about the concepts of poultry farming and slaughtering.
Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano
​Dr. Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano and some of her master's students visited the Maison de la Famille des Maskoutains to give a presentation on insects and the diseases that affect them to the children at the summer camp. The children then participated in a tasting session of spicy mealworms.
Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk has been invited by Virbac Company to give a lecture entitled: “La pleuroneumonia porcina causada por Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae : desde el diagnostico hasta el control en el contexto del Complejo Respiratorio Porcino”. This lecture was intended for Mexican veterinarians in the swine sector, in Guadalajara, Mexico, on September 3, 2024.
Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk has been invited by Virbac Company and the Veterinarians Association of Thailand to deliver a series of lectures on pathogenic bacteria in pigs for Thai practitioners in Bangkok from July 31 to August 2, 2024.
Mariela Segura et Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr. Mariela Segura and Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk were in Shanghai for the 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS2024). Dr. Segura was invited as a session chair and gave a conference entitled: Streptococcus suis interactions with B lymphocytes: uncovering the role of IgM and capsular polysaccharide.
Drs. Gottschalk and Segura also presented their work on “A new generation glycoconjugate vaccine against Streptococcus suis.”
Mariela Segura et Marcelo Gottschalk
Two GREMIP members participated in the International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS) and the European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) in Germany! Mariela Segura and Marcelo Gottschalk were speakers.
Christopher Fernandez Prada
Dr. Christopher Fernandez-Prada was invited by the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) to give a lecture titled Redefining the Fight Against Leishmania: Emerging Opportunities in Therapeutic Advancements at the organization’s annual conference in Edmonton.
François Meurens
Dr. François Meurens has joined the editorial board of Peer Community In (PCI) Animal Science. It is a platform for free and transparent preprint and postprint recommendations in animal sciences.
François Meurens
Dr. François Meurens participated as a member of the scientific committee in the development of the program and the selection of communications for the One Health congress in Saint-Brieuc in France. This congress, organized by ANSES, brought together numerous experts in animal, human and environmental health to discuss the major health issues facing us in the 21st century.
Marcelo Gottschalk
Marcelo Gottschalk was a guest speaker at the XIII jornada de porcicultura FARM FAES, in Madrid, Spain on May 21. His presentation was entitled: Re-emerging bacterial pathogens in the era of antibiotic reduction: the example of Streptococcus suis.
John Fairbrother
Dr. John Fairbrother was given the title of professor emeritus by the Council of the Université de Montréal. This distinction highlights the breadth of his exceptional career and his lasting impact in the field of veterinary microbiology.
Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk stood out in the 2024 edition of the Ranking of Top Scientists in the field of Animal Science and veterinary by He ranked #44 in the world among all researchers in animal science and veterinary, including #8 in Canada and #1 in Quebec!
Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr. Marcelo Gottschalk has publications related to streptococcal infections in pigs in the Merck Veterinary Manual.
View publications.
Marcio Carvalho Costa
Marcio Carvalho Costa renewed his mandate as associate member.
Marie-Lou Gaucher
Congratulations to Marie-Lou Gaucher who went from associate member to regular member at GREMIP.
Maud de Lagarde
Congratulations to Maud de Lagarde who was named a regular member of GREMIP. Previously, she was an associate member.
Martine Boulianne
Congratulations to Martine Boulianne who was an associate member of GREMIP and who is now one of the regular members.
François Meurens
Dr François Meurens was Associate Editor of the journal Vaccines (MDPI) on December 1, 2023. He coordinated and moderated a session of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Vaccines: RNA Vaccines, Current Challenges and Future Developments.
He has also been a speaker for the WPSA as part of WPSA Thursdays (May 2023). The title of his conference: Comment stimuler l’immunité spécifique en aviculture, en préventif ou en curatif?
Last November, Dr Meurens also gave a conference entitled: Contribution of the porcine model to the study of infectious diseases, as part of the AEI teaching unit of the new master 2 Biologie Santé parcours Agents Infectieux de l’Université de Rennes (France).
Marcelo Gottschalk
Dr Marcelo Gottschalk is co-author of a publication in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Discover his publication.
On November 14, he was the keynote speaker at a webseminar broadcast to four continents on “One Health: how to prevent zoonotic diseases in pigs”, organized by Ceva animal health. His lecture focused on “Streptococcus suis as a zoonotic agent”.
Maud de Lagarde
Maud de Lagarde, former GREMIP student, has been appointed to the rank of assistant professor in veterinary bacteriology in the Department of Pathology and Microbiology. She took up her position on April 3, 2023. She obtained a doctorate in veterinary medicine, with a specialization in equine medicine, in 2007 from the Alfort Veterinary School in France. She completed a residency in equine internal medicine (2014) as well as a Ph.D. in veterinary microbiology, molecular epidemiology option (2020) at the University of Montreal. She holds diplomat status from the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) (2016). Since 2021, she has been a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Clinical Sciences.
Francis Beaudry
Congratulations to Professor Francis Beaudry for his Canada Research Chair in Metrology of Bioactive Molecule and Target Discovery. This chair is level 1 (2022 - 2029).
Marcelo Gottschalk
Congratulations to Professor Marcelo Gottschalk, who has been recognized as a global expert in streptococcal infections by Expertscape (in the top 0.03%).
Mathilde Daudon
Congratulations to student Mathilde Daudon who received the Dr. Serge Larivière scholarship awarded by GREMIP.
Marie-Lou Gaucher
Congratulations to Professor Marie-Lou Gaucher, who was appointed Assistant Director of Strategic Partnerships on the CRIPA Executive Committee on April 21, 2023, for a three-year mandate.
Christopher Fernandez Prada
The work of Christopher Fernandez Prada appears in the 2022 list of discoveries of the year in Québec Science magazine. Carried out in collaboration with Martin Olivier, professor in the department of microbiology and immunology at McGill University and other researchers, the work discovered that gene transfer was possible between eukaryotic cells. This major breakthrough opens the door to new approaches to combating leishmaniasis. January 2023.
Christopher Fernandez Prada
​Christopher Fernandez Prada was a guest speaker for two plenary lectures at the 2nd Scientific Roundtable in Parasitology. PROJECT LAURENT’: A ONE HEALTH CONSORTIUM for maximizing benefits of the human-animal bond while minimizing risk of exposure to zoonotic pathogens. Extracellular vesicles and drug resistance: the ‘Matryoshka Trojan Horse. March 7-10, 2023. Athens, Greece.
Guillaume St-Jean
Congratulations to Guillaume St-Jean for receiving the Student Choice Award from the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association! This award is given to a professor whose teaching stands out for being inspiring, engaging, and pedagogical.
Christopher Fernandez Prada
Congratulations to Christopher Fernandez Prada for receiving the ZOETIS Award of Excellence in Research!
Mariela Segura
GlycoNet scientist Mariela Segura is developing glycomics-based solutions to improve livestock health.
Younès Chorfi et Réjean Lefebvre
Younès Chorfi and Réjean Lefebvre provided training to members of the Moroccan Association of Veterinarians for Companion Animals. They delivered 48 hours of lectures, 7 hours of practical work, participated in 20 hours of clinical teaching, in addition to conducting 3 hours of seminars and 12 hours of continuing education. (November 2022)
Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano
Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano will serve a four-year term as a councilor in the Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) following the organization's 2022 elections.
Mariela Segura
Mariela Segura has been appointed President of the International Scientific and Technological Program Council (STPC) mandated by the Directorate of Major Investment Programs of the State Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation of France. As the President of the STPC, Dr. Segura is responsible for coordinating the evaluation of the two new Priority Research and Equipment Programs. (2022)
Marcelo Gottschalk
Marcelo Gottschalk stood out in the second edition of the Ranking of Top Scientists in Microbiology based on the D-index metric (Discipline H-index). He ranked 23rd in Canada among all researchers in microbiology (across all fields), 3rd among all universities in Quebec, and 1st at the University of Montreal. Additionally, he ranked 8th in the field of animal and veterinary sciences in Canada and 1st in Quebec.
Marie-Jeanne Pesant
Congratulations to student Marie-Jeanne Pesant for receiving the Dr. Serge Larivière Scholarship awarded by GREMIP.
Marie-Lou Gaucher
Marie-Lou Gaucher was an invited speaker at the symposium "L’analyse du risque appliquée au contrôle de Salmonella dans la filière de poulets de chair au Québec." The symposium focused on good hygiene practices to ensure food safety and was jointly organized by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Montreal (Canada) and the Faculty of Sciences of Tetouan - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University (Morocco). The symposium was held virtually in May 2022.
John M. Fairbrother
John M. Fairbrother participated in the panel discussion on bacterial diseases of pigs at the IPVS Congress - International Pig Veterinary Society in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2022. He was also an invited speaker at the Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, where he discussed how whole-genome sequencing can help understand the changing face of pathogenic Escherichia coli in pigs in Minnesota, USA, in 2022.
Marcelo Gottschalk
Marcelo Gottschalk was an invited speaker at several international events: First International Technical Seminar of Virbac Chile for the poultry and swine industry. Topic: Management and control of infections caused by Streptococcus suis, Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis, and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. San Francisco, USA. November 2022. Universidad de Rio Cuarto during the XXI Swine Update Days. Topic: Streptococcus suis, an emerging pathogen. Rio Cuarto, Argentina. November 2022. Virbac Chile for swine veterinarians with the presentation: "Control of the infections caused by Streptococcus suis, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, and Glaesserella parasuis: Situation in Latin America." Santiago, Chile. November 2022. CReSA (IRTA CReSA - Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal, Government of Catalonia). Presentation title: "Autogenous vaccines for Streptococcus suis: A delicate subject." Barcelona, Spain. October 2022. IPVS Congress - International Pig Veterinary Society. Presentation on the fight to control S. suis disease in the context of antibiotic reduction. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 2022.
Mohamed Rhouma
Mohamed Rhouma was an invited speaker at the Leman Swine Conference, where he discussed Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) as a source of concern regarding gut microbiota composition and antimicrobial resistance in pigs. The conference took place at the University of Minnesota, USA, in September 2022. Additionally, he presented on chemical risk analysis in food, focusing on antibiotics, at the symposium on good hygiene practices to ensure food safety. The event was jointly organized by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Montreal, Canada, and the Faculty of Sciences of Tetouan - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco, in virtual mode in May 2022.
Younès Chorfi
Younès Chorfi was an invited speaker at the seminar on practical metabolic parameters for diagnosing reproductive problems in dairy cows. The Veterinary Training Seminar was organized by Veto Junior Entreprise and took place in Rabat, Morocco, in November 2022.
Mariela Segura
Mariela Segura was an invited speaker at the CReSA (IRTA CReSA - Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal) in Barcelona, Spain. She discussed The Swine and Poultry Infectious Diseases Research Center (CRIPA): a strategic network of Quebec and possible collaborations with CReSA on October 18, 2022. Additionally, she presented on the status of immunoglobulins and bacterial load in the tonsils of piglets naturally affected by S. suis at the IPVS Congress - International Pig Veterinary Society in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2022.
Réjean Lefebvre
Réjean Lefebvre was an invited speaker at the seminar on the clinical approach to abnormalities of the genital tract in cows. The Veterinary Training Seminar was organized by Veto Junior Entreprise and took place in Rabat, Morocco, in November 2022.